What if you delete everything you know about what you “should do”?
In an empty mind, you will have the energy of silence, in which there is no illusion. You will achieve total observation and attention. Every conflict you have will immediately come to an end.
One can live a life in which there is no conflict. That is “freedom”.
We must start with freedom! If there is no freedom, then man is merely a machine, not to choose. But, choice only exists when the mind is confused; when the mind is clear, there is no choice! When you see things very clearly without any distortion/illusion, then there is no choice.
Until you empty your mind, your battle is with fear.
Fear manifests from past painful experiences or pleasures that might not happen tomorrow. Thinking about the pain of yesterday, projects the fear of tomorrow. Or thinking about the pleasures of yesterday and worrying about not having them tomorrow.
So fear is the other side of pleasure and thought brings about fear.
Thought is responsible for both pleasure, pain and fear. Also thought is afraid of being completely lonely. Therefore, thought invents ways to escape that loneliness through various religions of entertainments and cultural something or other.
Thought playing tricks on itself with the everlasting search of deeper and wider dependencies; thus thought is responsible! Therefore, what is one to do?
The above was intentionally written erratic to shake your mind into looking at thoughts from a different angle.
Free your mind with the energy of silence to rid yourself from all illusions and conflicts.